Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Proverbial, "Runner's High!"

Kong from theKONGBLOG™

Most people recognize the blissful feeling experienced after an strenuous work-out, a long jog, having sex, dancing or even when dancing/listening to a favorite song and/or watching a memorable scene from a movie.

In exercise, it's referred to as a "runner's high" — caused by the body's natural pain-killers -- endorphins -- which are released when we're out of breath and the body is under pressure.

Endorphins were discovered in 1972 when U.S. doctors found receptor sites in the brain that doses of morphine & pain-killers latch on to. Because we have these receptor sites, we must have morphine-like substances in the body. This break-through led to the discovery of endorphins which reduce the intensity of the pain sensed by our brain. 

Production of endorphins helps us cope w/ pain and stress, but doctors also discovered that bungee jumping, eating spicy food, roller coaster rides & driving 'Fast n Furious' can give us a buzz because those activities also causes sudden flood of endorphins to be released — which is possibly why some procrastinators thrive on deadlines or why playas love to cheat...it's the thrill of succeeding under pressure.

Their primary purpose of endorphins is to help us cope w/ injury/pain but they're also produced when we feel pleasure, such as during sex or listening to music, you don't have to be hurt to get a happy-hormone rush.

Similar to synthetic narcotics such as morphine, hydrocodeine & oxycontin, endorphins interact w/ opiate receptors to reduce the perception of pain. However, activation of such receptors definitely does not cause addiction as compared to the previously mentioned drugs. 

Also, prolonged use of those aforementioned drugs depletes your body's abilities to produce the "happy hormones" — which causes the user to consume more of it because they no longer feel the "high" that they're originally seeking to attain.


The Happy Hormone is like the Holy Grail; everyone wants to be happy but many people feel unhappy without knowing why. 

"Why can't I feel like this all the time?"

It's not something you can put your finger on or is it? If you are feeling tired, moody, anxious, depressed or have low energy levels then maybe you have a hormone imbalance. Some candidates for the happy hormone are Serotonin, Melatonin, and Progesterone.

Serotonin is found in the gut and the central nervous system. In the central nervous system it has multiple tasks of regulating moods, appetite, sleep, anxiety, depression and more. It’s not so much that Serotonin is the “Happy Hormone,” but rather the lack of serotonin causes many of those bad symptoms to appear. 

In order to get your moods back into balance it is required for serotonin to get back into balance — sunlight is a natural catalyst for serotonin production. Serotonin doesn’t make you happy, it just makes you less unhappy or less depressed and/or less anxious.

It has the same effect as money. 

Money can’t make you happy or guarantee happiness, but it can remove many of the issues that make you unhappy.

Happy Hormones minus the juice

Melatonin has multiple purposes being associated primarily w/ synchronization of the biological clock and as an antioxidant. Melatonin is produced from Serotonin during low light conditions and is produced naturally when darkness falls. There is an obvious connection to melatonin helping us to fall asleep. 

During periods of darkness it will induce sleepiness and while you are asleep — goes about the business of cleaning up free radicals. In terms of mood and tiredness, it is clearly a regulator that helps one to sleep and as a healing agent — “capture” and disposal of free radicals is clearly beneficial.

Progesterone is not just a female hormone –although mostly associated w/ estrogen, males also produce Progesterone. Progesterone levels in both are associated w/ reproductive organs and levels will drop as male Testosterone and female Estrogen levels fall off after male and female menopause. Yes, there is such a thing as male menopause. 


The affect of this reduction is a reduction in progesterone’s regulatory capabilities among other things, production of Myelin (the protective sheath around nerve cells) and therefore low Progesterone is associated w/ memory loss. It has a role in raising metabolism and also new skin cell growth. 

If you are interested in retaining your memory, your energy level and/or want a glowing skin, then the loss of progesterone during menopause is your enemy. Progesterone has been found in nature, yams being one source, though synthesis in the human body requires consumption w/ some fats to facilitate transportation.

Frank Duxe: "You told me to use any tactic that works, never to commit yourself to one style...
...to keep an open mind!"

And this concludes this chapter of The Happy Hormone Theory, as there are other contributors who believe being happy is attributed to your biological genes & traits...but that, is another theory. In the meantime....

...open your eyes and expand your mind.

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