Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Meet "Hulk" The Giant 175-Pound Family Pitbull

A TODDLER hangs off the back of a super-sized pit bull - that could snap a man's arm with a SINGLE bite. But despite being a banned breed in the UK, breeders Marlon and Lisa Grennan say monster dog 'the Hulk' is 100 per cent trusted with their young son. Despite the lethal potential of 12-stone Hulk and the couple's many other dogs, three-year-old Jordan has grown up with them within arm's reach.

Hulk courtesy of Dark Dynasty K9s

The couple's company Dark Dynasty K9s supplies animals to high-profile celebrities, billionaires and wealthy professionals - as well as law enforcement around the world. They are trained to have 'no fear' and some specialist dogs can even run up the side of fences and walls to reach second-floor windows. Many their dogs share their house on a sprawling 150-acre ranch in New Hampshire, USA. The dogs include more than a dozen highly trained pit bulls - and a single chihuahua.

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