Friday, September 19, 2014

Better Ingredients, Better Pot Brownie by Amasing

Better Ingredients, Better Pot Brownie

Whether you agree with the legalization of marijuana or not, two states in our union have legalized it for recreational use (as opposed to medical).  Washington State and Colorado have legalized this still federally banned substance in hopes to generate state revenue (with both having reported an increase in).

We all (I would think), have heard the slogan, “Better ingredients, better pizza…Papa John’s.”

What the hell does pizza have to do with weed?  The obvious answer would be the munchies.

It is well known in the advertising industry that celebrities statistically, by endorsing the product or service, have increased the sales of that product or service.  In this case, Peyton Manning is happy for the increase in pizza sales due to the legalization in Colorado.

"There's some different laws out here in Colorado," Manning said. "Pizza business is pretty good out here, believe it or not, due to some recent law changes."-Peyton Manning.

Papa John’s Pizza is a franchise and like other franchises (McDonalds, Midas, etc.), they can be privately owned.  Manning owns 21 Papa John’s in the state of Colorado.  It should be no surprise that he is in the Papa John’s commercials.  He is getting the best of both worlds.  He gets a celebrity fee and he gets to advertise for his pizza chain.

It should be noted that the biggest sellers in both legalized states is not marijuana itself, it’s food products made with marijuana.

“Legalize it, don't criticize it.  Legalize it, yeah, yeah, and I will advertise it”-Peter Tosh.

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